Thursday, February 23, 2012

He is in Control!

God leaves you little surprises if you just look.  Today I was running late and felt sick.  About five minutes before I was suppose to leave the house, my mother called asking for me to stop and pick a few items up for her on my way to work.  She was ill and didn't feel like leaving the house.  I told her yes, but realized I was going to be late for work.  I still had my makeup to do and hair to finish.  After hurrying and finishing getting dressed, I ran to the car to make the twenty minute drive to town.  As I entered the city limits, I realized that I had twenty minutes to go to the grocery store, take the items to mom, drive to work, park, get into the building, and sign in at the office.  I knew that I wasn't going to make it.  I called the teacher down the hall and asked for her to cover for me.  She agreed.  I was able to stop at the store, pick up the items and deliver them to my mother within ten minutes.  I then was able to drive to work and make it into the building with five minutes to spare.  As I breathed a sigh of relief, I realized that once again God had a hand in the smallest details of my life.  He arranged for me to miss all the red lights.  He placed the checkout lady at her register.  He opened the path at the store to the items with no traffic.  He arranged for my mother to be waiting at the door for me to shave a few minutes off my time.  God can handle the simpliest of tasks if we just allow him. 

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