Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wow! No Sadness!

Lately I have been writing about death a lot...not because I am fascinated by it, but because it has been a part of my life.  But I promised myself that I would blog about something that made me laugh today.  That would be my students.  I love my kids.  Most days they cure what ails me.  They make me glad I do what I do.  So I thought I would share some short stories.

I have a wonderful little boy in my class.  He is a black and white kinda of kid.  He sees things in his own special way.  His father was running for city council.  He had spent several evenings with dad putting out signs.  He was excited to see the signs out that contained dad's name.  Dad had placed one across the street on a friend's fence post from school.  My darling student couldn't wait to point it out to me.  He then wanted to know if I wanted one for my yard.  I pointed out that I didn't live in town, so I didn't need one.  He looked at me in amazment and said, "So you aren't going to vote for my dad!"  I tried to explain to him that because I didn't live in the community, I couldn't vote.  He became upset with me and told me that his dad "was going to do a good job!" so I should vote for him.  After fifteen minutes of trying to explain it to his little six year old mind, I gave up and told him I would vote for dad.  The next morning he came in and told me "Bad news, Mrs. M!  You live in B********!"  Then he turned to another child and said, "Silly Mrs. M, she thought she could vote for my dad!"

Today another child explained that she needed to borrow my glasses.  When I asked why, she answered, "I want to look like you when we play school."  What a compliment!

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