Saturday, February 19, 2011

One Week in My Life

This week has been so busy.  So I thought I would start at the beginning.
Monday-Valentine's Day--this is one of our party days at school.  First, I want to go on record that any week that starts with a party is doomed from the beginning, especially a party filled with red food coloring!  I was given lots of treats by my kids.  My husband and children sent me a Dr. Pepper bouquet.  Yes, no traditional flowers for me!  I got a bouquet filled with 8 oz bottles of Dr. Pepper, candy, and balloons.  Does my husband know my weakness or what?

Tuesday-I have duty each morning this week.  That means I have to be at school at least twenty minutes early.  I was running late on Tuesday and felt that way all week.  I hate being late. 

Wednesday-Parent/teacher meeting-- This meeting was special.  The little girl is a doll and her mother wants so bad to do what is best for her.  We met to discuss getting her some special help, but I left sad.  I think that sometimes we are not servicing the child when we don't help the parents.  I think that for social services and DHS to work, they need to be in the school.  I walked away from the meeting with a burden to help the mother.  She wants to make a better life for her child, but doesn't know how. 

Then after school I raced to the district livestock show.  My son was reserve breed Hampshire.  I love watching him show.  It is an amazing feeling when I see him have success at something.  After he showed his first sheep, I discovered that I had made a BIG mistake on his proficiency award application.  I couldn't get the internet to work at the barn, so I had to drive 30 + minutes home and spend an hour working on it.  I was so mentally drained by the time the boys pulled in to the house, but I wasn't done.  I had to go out to the barn and help unload sheep and medicate them.  I accidently stabbed my husband with a needle full of sheep medicine.  He was a good sport about it (I wouldn't have been!)  Needless to say, I fell into bed exhausted.

Thursday--I spent the day in a fog.  I can't seem to shake a headache I have had for the last three days.  My day was rough.  One of my students spent the day crying about everything.  On days like this, I don't think I am a very good teacher.  At the end of the day, three little darlings got away from a sub and ran out to their bus.  While they were never in any super danger, the experience scared me to death.  I shook all night long imagining the worst case scenario.

Friday—The crier from Thursday was pumped.  His birthday party was Friday night.  I spent my day dragging him back to the ground.  My son went to a power lifting meet and placed 3rd in his weight division.  I am amazed that this kid can lift anything.  A year ago we were told he would never play sports again.  We were told that he would have to have surgery on his knee, but God had another plan.  He sent us to a wonderful physical therapist that worked wonders.  She is the reason that he is able to do so much. 

Saturday—Today is the big day.  My 8 year old daughter has been waiting for months for a chance to sign up for soccer.  Today that is the day that it is going to happen.  I just hope it is her sport and she loves it as much as she thinks she will!  I will keep you posted!

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